MORNING WORLD………..A very busy weekend, lots of fish from lots of species and happy to see Arapaima and Alligator Gar in the mix as well for our customers from all over the world, some experienced anglers and others novice but we do our best to show them the ropes and put everyone on the fish.

Our pal Pete fished his 3rd and final session for this trip on Saturday and we wish him safe travels around Asia and Wayne fished his second session which kept him very busy yesterday afternoon as he really did “bag up”.

The last couple of days have seen pleasantly cool nights and we are told there may be some stronger winds around and even some rain as we approach the full moon, will this turn ’em on or turn ’em off, who knows, lots of theories, lots of possibilities and only one way to find out.

As ever at this time of year we have a few “no shows” and people who have booked coming on the wrong days or the wrong time of the day…. yes we know you are on holiday but please do check your bookings as walk in opportunities are rare at the moment.

There are just 1 or 2 places up for grabs this morning, fully booked this afternoon and that is the trend right now so please allow a couple of days to make a booking, get your name in the book for a guaranteed place and join us for some……”FUNFISHIN!”……..🎣🎣🎣🐠🐠🐠🐟🐟🐟😎😎😎