MORNING WORLD……The busy days continue and the attached photos are just some of the fish caught since Wednesday so lots of fish in just three days. All shapes and sizes, the Mekong Cats continue to dominate, a good few more Siamese Carp showing as well as Red Tail Cats both Amazon and Asian with the Wells Cats coming out of hiding. A few other species making a show as well so you never know what will take your bait and if you are lucky it will be an Arapaima as was the case a couple of days ago. Sadly at first light this morning we had to pluck one out of the water, initially we thought it was probably the same one but on closer inspection it was not the same fish showing just how delicate these beautiful fish are as we do take as much care of them as possible but sometimes nature just does it’s own thing.

Just one or two spots available for the morning session today but full this afternoon, much the same for Sunday and the start of next week filling up fast so do yourselves a favour and get booking on our website but please only fill the form in if you are able and intend to pay a deposit on receipt of an invoice, if not you will be just wasting yours and our time and possibly preventing a genuine customer from getting a place.

Get your name in the book and join us for some……”FUNFISHIN!”……🎣🎣🎣🐠🐠🐠🐟🐟🐟😎😎😎