MORNING WORLD…..We’ve been very busy the last couple of days but I’d be lying if I said the fishing has been as lively as it can be. To be fair what we class as slow fishing many other places would class as red letter days so it is all relative and of course it depends on customers expectations. There have been some that have caught loads and others that have struggled, is that down to ability, not listening to advise or just luck…..who knows ?……
The Mekong catfish continue to dominate but these are pure herbivores so adding fish or chicken hook bait to your “method” set up means you probably won’t catch them. The same goes for the Siamese Carp though they will occasionally take a chicken bait. The Striped Catfish and Pacu have been less forthcoming making space for a few more Red Tails and a nice little Arapaima graced the net a couple of days ago. There are those that may say the lake is too busy, they never complain when they are the only ones here in the low season months and the truth is that sometimes the more bait going in gets them on the feed and the bottom line is this is how we keep our prices cheaper than others, if we limited the amount of customers we would have to charge more to cover costs, simple as that.
We are pretty much fully booked today, currently some availability for tomorrow and the 31st, CLOSED 1st FOR NEW YEARS DAY STAFF HOLIDAY and good availability thereafter but places do fill quickly so please try to plan a little and give us some notice before pre booking on our website, get your name down and join us for some…..”FUNFISHIN!”……..